For people with intellectual disabilities, healthy aging is not a given. Within HA-ID, we conduct research on physical as well as mental health. We investigate, for instance, how people with intellectual disabilities might exercise more. Does muscle strength training have an effect on health? We also look at the use of medication and whether it is possible to reduce its use. And whether light therapy might be used to help combat depression, for example?
The HA-ID study is being conducted among clients of the following care organizations: Abrona, Amarant, and Ipse de Bruggen. Although we greatly appreciate everyone’s enthusiasm and willingness to participate in a study, it is not always possible for each person who wishes to participate in a study to be selected. Before a study starts, the clear criteria that have been established must be met by the participants. These criteria can include a specific age or the presence or absence of certain health issues. If individuals are eligible to participate in a study, they (or their legal representatives) will be approached before taking part in this study. Therefore, it is not currently possible to sign up for participation in a study. This applies both to the individual and the person who is being represented.
The research results provide us with information that increases our understanding of swallowing disorders, the use of medication, and sleep problems, for instance. This also enables us to develop exercise programs. We would like to use the results in practice in the best way possible. To this end, special implementation coaches have been selected from the various care organizations to ensure that the research results are effectively applied in practice.