Healthy Ageing in Intellectual Disabilities (HA-ID):

A Decade Further

TitleHA-ID: A Decade Further (HA-ID X)
PurposeGaining an understanding of the course of health of the elderly with intellectual disabilities and influential risk factors for health problems.
Target groupThe elderly who have intellectual disabilities.
DesignLongitudinal observational cohort study.
What does the research involve?In 2008, the first HA-ID (Healthy Aging in Intellectual Disabilities) research project started documenting the health of 1,050 elderly who have intellectual disabilities. To gain a better understanding of the course of health and indicators of health problems, we are again investigating the health status of the participants after a decade.
In HA-ID X, we compare the participants’ current health status to their health status ten years ago. All measurements that were made a decade ago are being repeated. We use different ways of collecting data: physical examination, fitness tests, interviews, observations, diaries, questionnaires, and a review of the participants’ records.
We examine five health issues within HA-ID X and we examine the interconnections between these issues:
·         Cardiovascular disorders
·         Psychological problems and psychiatric disorders
·         Vulnerability
·         Nutrition and nutritional status
·         Physical activity, fitness, and musculoskeletal disorders
DurationWe started enrolling participants in the fall of 2019. The final measurements have now been completed. To minimize participants’ burden, measurements were taken as much as possible within a single week.
Parties involvedThe study took place at the three care organizations of the HA-ID consortium: Ipse de Bruggen, Amarant, and Abrona. In addition to the researchers involved, personal caregivers, physiotherapists, speech therapists, physician assistants, behavior experts, physicians, and dentists were also engaged in carrying out the measurements.
ImplementationThe measurements provide a great deal of important data both at the individual and group levels concerning the course of health of the elderly with intellectual disabilities.
Implementation coaches have been appointed at all three participating care organizations to ensure the implementation of the results.
Would you like to learn more?For additional information on HA-ID X, please contact one of the researchers involved at