Angst & depressie

Publicaties en artikelen

Door wetenschappelijk onderzoek draagt GOUD bij aan de gezondheid van en zorg voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking. Door onderzoek te doen naar angst en depressie willen we bijdragen aan hun fysieke vitaliteit en mentale weerbaarheid. Lees hier alle publicaties met betrekking tot angst en depressie.

Titel: Reliability and validity of the Dutch Anxiety, Depression And Mood Scale in adults aged <50 years with intellectual disabilities.
Auteur: Hamers PCM, van Ool JS, Festen DAM, Hendriksen JGM, Bindels PJE, Hermans H. J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2019 May;32(3):568-574.
Titel: Feasibility, reliability and validity of the Dutch translation of the Anxiety, Depression and Mood Scale in older adults with intellectual disabilities.
Auteur: Hermans, H., Jeluma, N., van der Pas, F.H., Evenhuis, H.M. Res Dev Disabil, 2012, 33(2), 315-23.
Titel: Characteristics of instruments screening for depression in adults with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review.
Auteur: Hermans, H., Evenhuis, H.M. Res Dev Disabil, 2010, 31(6), 1109-20.
Titel: Instruments assessing anxiety in adults with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review.
Auteur: Hermans, H., van der Pas, F.H., Evenhuis, H.M. Res Dev Disabil, 2011, 32(3), 861-70.
Titel: Feasibility, reliability and validity of the Dutch translation of the Anxiety, Depression and Mood Scale in older adults with intellectual disabilities.
Auteur: Hermans, H., Jeluma, N., van der Pas, F.H., Evenhuis, H.M. Res Dev Disabil, 2012, 33(2), 315-23.
Titel: Life events and their associations with depression and anxiety in older people with intellectual disabilities: results of the HA-ID study.
Auteur: Hermans, H., Evenhuis, H.M. J Affect Disord, 2012, 138(1-2), 79-85.
Titel: Prevalence of depression and anxiety in older users of formal Dutch intellectual disability services.
Auteur: Hermans, H., Beekman, A.T., Evenhuis, H.M. J Affect Disord, 2013, 144(1-2), 94-100.
Titel: Factors associated with depression and anxiety in older adults with intellectual disabilities: results of the healthy ageing and intellectual disabilities study.
Auteur: Hermans, H., Evenhuis, H.M. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2013, 28(7), 691-9.
Titel: Eliability and validity of the Dutch version of the Glasgow Anxiety Scale for people with an intellectual disability (GAS-ID).
Auteur: Hermans, H., Wieland, J., Jelluma, N., Van der Pas, F., Evenhuis, H.M. J Intellect Disabil Res, 2013, 57(8), 728-36.
Titel: Comparison of anxiety as reported by older people with intellectual disabilities and by older people with normal intelligence.
Auteur: Hermans, H., Beekman, A.T., Evenhuis, H.M. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2014, 22(12), 1391-8.

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